Being “productive” is such a common value nowadays that you may feel pressure to always get things done to the point of not resting or honoring your body when it’s sick. You may be thinking, “I don’t have time to rest!” or “There’s so much to do, I have to work through dinner.”  Day in and day out.

If you just go-go-go all the time without slowing down and allowing for rest or “being lazy” at times, you could eventually burn out, compromise your immune system, and negatively impact your sleep and mood.  The negative effects of stress on health and well-being are commonly known. 

Here are 10 ideas on how you can rejuvenate yourself when you’re feeling depleted. 

    • 1. Slow down. Close your eyes, meditate, or close the door. A few minutes a day can make a difference.

    • 2. Breathe deeply. When’s the last time you took a few minutes to pay attention to your body? What does it need right now?

    • 3. Exercise. This may seem counter-intuitive, but when we’re sluggish, moving can help us to gain some energy and release endorphins as a bonus.

    • 4. Rest when your body or mind is telling you it’s tired or overwhelmed.

    • 5. Set boundaries with others and with yourself. Be clear on what others can expect from you concerning when or how you’ll be accessible. Give yourself time to unplug from your devices to clear your mind.

    • 6. List and really evaluate your To Do items. How do you determine what is given priority and does that need to change?

    • 7. Laugh!

    • 8. Examine your “shoulds” and where they come from. Are they impacting your well-being? Maybe they aren’t as important as you once thought.

    • 9. See if you can give yourself a few moments of relaxation or rest every day, however you’re able to within your schedule.

    • 10. Reconnect with nature. Get outside when you can. Leave your phone in your car, purse, or pocket.

If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed or depleted, therapy can help you identify ways you can balance things out and take care of yourself. If you’d like more information or have some feedback, please reach out to us at Lara@HealTheHurt.com